This is our first ever love story VERSUS love story! YAY, happy happy happy, we do love a good love story, especially a triangle! Can you imagine an octagonal love story? Mind=BLOWN! So without further ado:
1. Bella and Edward vs Bella and Jacob (Twilight)
Bronte: Bella and Edward
Izzy: Bella and Jacob
Eleanor: Bella and Edward
2. Tobias and Tris (Divergent) vs Katniss and Peeta (Hunger Games)
Bronte: Tobias and Tris
Izzy: Katniss and Peeta, but I prefer the Divergent series.
Eleanor: Katniss and Peeta
3. Katniss and Peeta vs Katniss and Gale (Hunger Games)
Bronte: Katniss and Peeta
Izzy: Katniss and Gale
Eleanor: Katniss and Peeta
4. Lena and Ethan (Beautiful Creatures) vs Lena and Alex (Delirium)
Bronte: Lena and Alex
Izzy: Lena and Alex
Eleanor: Lena and Ethan
5. Anna and St.Clair (Anna and the French Kiss) vs Lola and Cricket (Lola and the Boy Next Door)
Bronte: Anna and St.Clair
Izzy: Ooh tough one! Anna and St.Clair just win this one for me
Eleanor: Anna and St. Clair
6. Tessa and Will (The Infernal Devices) vs Clary and Jace (The Mortal Instruments)
Bronte: Tessa and Will
Izzy: Clary and Jace
Eleanor: Clary and Jace
7. Isabelle and Simon (The Mortal Instruments) vs Sophie and Gideon (The Infernal Devices)
Bronte: Isabelle and Simon
Izzy: Isabelle and Simon
Eleanor: Isabelle and Simon
8. Helen and Lucas vs Helen and Orion (Starcrossed)
Bronte: Helen and Lucas, but I do love Orion
Izzy: Helen and Orion
Eleanor: Helen and Lucas
9. Kate and Vincent (Die for Me) vs Renée and Dante (Dead Beautiful)
Bronte: Kate and Vincent, just
Izzy: Haven't read either!
Eleanor: Renée and Dante
10. Lou and Will (Me Before You) vs Hazel and Augustus (The Fault in our Stars)
Bronte: Lou and Will, again, just
Izzy: Hazel and Augustus
Eleanor: Lou and Will
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Monday, 24 June 2013
Stolen: A Letter to my Captor, Lucy Christopher
Stolen: A Letter to my Captor by Lucy Christopher, reviewed by Eleanor
What is this book about?
It happened like this.
I was stolen from an airport.
Taken from everything I knew, everything I was used to.
Taken to sand and heat, dirt and danger.
And he expected me to love him.
This is my story.
A letter from nowhere. –the blurb
Who should read this book?
This is a YA book.
How long is this book?
301 pages
Story Line: 6/10
Well written: 4/5
Enjoyabililty: 4/5
Overall: 14/20
Star Rating:
3 stars
Question 1. What character would you most like to have tea with?
Question 2. What character would you most like to throw tea at?
Question 3. What do you think of the cover?
Question 4. What do you think of the title do you think there is an alternative?
I think Stolen is actually quite a good title for this book. It fits what the book is about and works well for the story.
Question 5. Favourite quote!
What is this book about?
It happened like this.
I was stolen from an airport.
Taken from everything I knew, everything I was used to.
Taken to sand and heat, dirt and danger.
And he expected me to love him.
This is my story.
A letter from nowhere. –the blurb
Who should read this book?
This is a YA book.
How long is this book?
301 pages
Story Line: 6/10
Well written: 4/5
Enjoyabililty: 4/5
Overall: 14/20
Star Rating:
3 stars
Question 1. What character would you most like to have tea with?
There isn't a character in this book that I would like to
have tea with and this is just because there are only really two characters we get to know throughout the book. While Gemma is a great character and I admire her strength (in her
situation I’m pretty sure I would just break down and cry all of the time) I don’t think I really want to sit down and have tea with her because there isn't really anything that interesting about her.
It’s obvious to anyone who has already read this book that
Ty really needs someone to throw a lot of tea at him. Fine, I get that he has his
reasons for kidnapping Gemma and everything but I seriously do not get how
taking a sixteen year old girl could be right in any way. I’m a sixteen year
old girl and just the thought terrifies me.
Hmm, I’m not too sure about the cover of the edition that I
read. The butterfly is pretty but it’s nothing particularly special or eye
I think Stolen is actually quite a good title for this book. It fits what the book is about and works well for the story.
Question 5. Favourite quote!
“How long will you keep me?” I asked.
You shrugged. “Forever, of course.”
Overall: I had my last GCSE exam earlier today and so I
got this book out of the library as a beginning to a summer of lots and lots of reading (I also borrowed Noughts and Crosses by Malorie Blackman, as this is another book I
have been planning on reading for a long time) After starting the book, I
literally did not stop reading it until I had reached the end. The whole book
is one long letter from the main character, Gemma, to her captor and as I don’t
normally pick up books written in letter format I was surprised at how
engaging this book was. Although the story line becomes a bit slow at times, the book is not divided into chapters and this makes it extremely
fast paced. I had to keep reading in order to reach the end and find
out how Gemma would end her letter because I was just as conflicted as she was about Ty. I really recommend this book just because
it’s different and so unlike all the books I read at the moment.
Do you have any requests for reviews? And are there any
books you highly recommend?
Monday, 10 June 2013
Starcrossed Trilogy QandA!
Well hello there, me and Izzy are going to do something ever so special in light of Josephine Angelini's trilogy Starcrossed concluding. We have both read all three books and enjoyed them so much we are going to do a Q and A for you and on top of that you can answer the questions to! What fun!
WARNING, ALTHOUGH THIS IS TO BE AVOIDED, WE MAY GIVE ACCIDENTAL SPOILERS TO THE TRILOGY AS A WHOLE. If you are planning on reading the trilogy (which we highly recommend) please come back once you've read all three books.
Izzy's Questions and Bronte's Answers
1) Who was your favourite character from the whole series?
Helen, just because she is such a strong character and loves and wants to protect everyone around her (although sometimes this can be annoying because the people that love her just as much as she loves them want to help, so you sometimes find yourself thinking, uuhh common sense??). However I also LOVE Lucas, Ariadne and Claire.
2) If Lucas and Orion were real who do you think would better suit your personality?
This is so difficult! Probably Lucas, just. But to be honest there personalities are really similar which is probably why Helen had such a difficult problem choosing one.
3) Were you pleased with the ending?
I have to say that I was a little tiney weeney incy wincy bit disappointed with the ending. Read my review to find out why because it is a little lengthy! My Review of Dreamless
4) Were there any points in any of the three books you didn't enjoy or didn't find necessary?
I can honestly say that I don't think that there was any point where I lost interest at all. However in Dreamless it did get a little repetitive when she was going down to awful places in the underworld, but I do think that it was necessary, so I contradict myself!
5) Would you like to be a Scion?
YES! 100%! Why would you not, super strength, super speed, super pretty and you could have a talent. Personally I would love to fly and be a world builder, but that might be a lot to take on. Oh, and I would love to see what people are feeling, like Orion, in colours; but I wouldn't want to control hearts.
Bronte's Questions Izzy's Answers
1) Who would you rather have as brothers and sisters: Lucas and Cassandra or Hector, Ariadne and Jason?
Hector, Ariadne and Jason.
I have a couple of reasons for this;
1. Cassandra either annoys me or freaks me out throughout the series. I'm not saying it's her fault, it's not. However if she started doing that freaky flying, talking think in front of me I think I would be absolutely petrified, which would not help the situation.
2. Lucas is good-looking, not brother material
3. Hector gives the best hugs = good brother material.
2) Which cover is your favourite?
They're all the same really. I mean I like them, but they're all some attractive girl, in a dress, in the wind. I do like blue and purple though, so I'm going to go with Goddess.
3) Describe each book with one word
Starcrossed: Absorbing
Dreamless: ...Intimate (seriously, this book should have had some kind of age limit)
Goddess: Rough
4) In all three books, which was your utmost favourite part/bit?
Being the Orion fan I am, I loved the bit in Dreamless where Helen touched the river and forgot everything so her and Orion really started to go for it. I swear I'm not a creep, it just warmed my shipping heart as I had been waiting for that bit throughout the whole book. I also liked any part with her and Orion in the final book too.
5) What character do you think you are most like or could relate to the most?
Hmm...Hmmm...HMMMM... I'm going to have to go with Claire, who's Helen's best friend. She's the only normal one, which helps me relate to her. Plus she always tries her best, and tries to do the right thing even if she doesn't always get it right (especially in the last one!) I find that a really relatable idea, trying to do the right thing and what is best for everyone, but not actually getting it right.
What do you guys think? Do you have different answers to us? Do you have any questions about the books that you want to ask us?
WARNING, ALTHOUGH THIS IS TO BE AVOIDED, WE MAY GIVE ACCIDENTAL SPOILERS TO THE TRILOGY AS A WHOLE. If you are planning on reading the trilogy (which we highly recommend) please come back once you've read all three books.
1) Who was your favourite character from the whole series?
Helen, just because she is such a strong character and loves and wants to protect everyone around her (although sometimes this can be annoying because the people that love her just as much as she loves them want to help, so you sometimes find yourself thinking, uuhh common sense??). However I also LOVE Lucas, Ariadne and Claire.
2) If Lucas and Orion were real who do you think would better suit your personality?
This is so difficult! Probably Lucas, just. But to be honest there personalities are really similar which is probably why Helen had such a difficult problem choosing one.
3) Were you pleased with the ending?
I have to say that I was a little tiney weeney incy wincy bit disappointed with the ending. Read my review to find out why because it is a little lengthy! My Review of Dreamless
4) Were there any points in any of the three books you didn't enjoy or didn't find necessary?
I can honestly say that I don't think that there was any point where I lost interest at all. However in Dreamless it did get a little repetitive when she was going down to awful places in the underworld, but I do think that it was necessary, so I contradict myself!
YES! 100%! Why would you not, super strength, super speed, super pretty and you could have a talent. Personally I would love to fly and be a world builder, but that might be a lot to take on. Oh, and I would love to see what people are feeling, like Orion, in colours; but I wouldn't want to control hearts.
Bronte's Questions Izzy's Answers
1) Who would you rather have as brothers and sisters: Lucas and Cassandra or Hector, Ariadne and Jason?
Hector, Ariadne and Jason.
I have a couple of reasons for this;
1. Cassandra either annoys me or freaks me out throughout the series. I'm not saying it's her fault, it's not. However if she started doing that freaky flying, talking think in front of me I think I would be absolutely petrified, which would not help the situation.
2. Lucas is good-looking, not brother material
3. Hector gives the best hugs = good brother material.
2) Which cover is your favourite?
They're all the same really. I mean I like them, but they're all some attractive girl, in a dress, in the wind. I do like blue and purple though, so I'm going to go with Goddess.
Starcrossed: Absorbing
Dreamless: ...Intimate (seriously, this book should have had some kind of age limit)
Goddess: Rough
4) In all three books, which was your utmost favourite part/bit?
Being the Orion fan I am, I loved the bit in Dreamless where Helen touched the river and forgot everything so her and Orion really started to go for it. I swear I'm not a creep, it just warmed my shipping heart as I had been waiting for that bit throughout the whole book. I also liked any part with her and Orion in the final book too.
5) What character do you think you are most like or could relate to the most?
Hmm...Hmmm...HMMMM... I'm going to have to go with Claire, who's Helen's best friend. She's the only normal one, which helps me relate to her. Plus she always tries her best, and tries to do the right thing even if she doesn't always get it right (especially in the last one!) I find that a really relatable idea, trying to do the right thing and what is best for everyone, but not actually getting it right.
What do you guys think? Do you have different answers to us? Do you have any questions about the books that you want to ask us?
Sunday, 9 June 2013
Hello Everyone,
Just a short post to say while experimenting with 'summer colours' and 'summer themes' for Titles and Teacups for over the summer period I accidently, the technological guru that I am, clicked on the wrong button and published the pink Titles and Teacups!!!
I, of course will change it back because I was only experimenting (thank gosh I wrote down the colour numbers) but I was fiddling during revision breaks and have to continue revising now.
It will be changed back by tomorrow afternoon, definitely.
So, this little post, was just to inform you that if you arrive and think 'PINK, AHHH am I at the right place?' Yes, yes you are.
I'm really sorry!
~Bronte, because I am sure the others don't want the shame of being the one who doesn't know how to use her laptop.
Updated: Right, we're back in business, thanks for the patience! We should have a summer theme going on soon. Oh the excitement.
Just a short post to say while experimenting with 'summer colours' and 'summer themes' for Titles and Teacups for over the summer period I accidently, the technological guru that I am, clicked on the wrong button and published the pink Titles and Teacups!!!
I, of course will change it back because I was only experimenting (thank gosh I wrote down the colour numbers) but I was fiddling during revision breaks and have to continue revising now.
It will be changed back by tomorrow afternoon, definitely.
So, this little post, was just to inform you that if you arrive and think 'PINK, AHHH am I at the right place?' Yes, yes you are.
I'm really sorry!
~Bronte, because I am sure the others don't want the shame of being the one who doesn't know how to use her laptop.
Updated: Right, we're back in business, thanks for the patience! We should have a summer theme going on soon. Oh the excitement.
Dying to Know You, Aidan Chambers
Dying to Know You by Aidan Chambers reviewed by Izzy
What is this book about?
Karl, aged seventeen, is hopelessly in love. But the object of his affections, Fiorella, demands proof, and poses him a series of questions regarding his attitude to the many sides of love. But Karl is dyslexic, and convinced that if Fiorella finds out, she will think he is stupid, and unworthy of her, and leave him.
So Karl asks a local writer to help him construct his replies - and an unlikely, but extremely touching, friendship develops between the two men. They both come to learn a great deal about about life from a very different perspective, and when an act of violence shatters their calm, they find their respective appraisal of life shifting in profound ways (Goodreads)
Who should read this book?
I found it in the "Teen Fiction" section of the Waterstones I was in however I think adults could read this book as well.
How long is this book?
288 pages
Story Line: 7/10
Well written: 4/5
Enjoyablilty: 3/5
Overall: 14/20
Star Rating: 3 Stars
Question 1. What character would you most like to have tea with?
Karl. Mostly because he's such a sweetheart in the books and I just want to hug him whenever he says anything.

Question 2. What character would you most like to throw tea at?
Fiorella. My gosh this girl bugs me for the entirity of the novel. I think Chambers wants me to find her annoying but her character hit a really raw nerve with me, mostly becuse she reminded me of me at my most annoying and pretentious.
Question 3. What do you think of the cover?
I did not get it at first, but one your half way through the novel you realise why the cover s important and relevant. I like how simple it is, and it caught my eye among the jungle of books in the teen section.
Question 4. What do you think of the title do you think there is an alternative?
I may be wrong but I think this is a Fiorella quote (Dying to Know You) which puts me off it a bit. It makes sense, but I think something to do with art would have been more appropriate and different to other books.
Question 5. Favourite quote!
"You remember that experiment with iron filings and a magnet the science teacher did at school when you were of an age still easy to amaze? You remember the iron filings, which where scattered like a mess of dust on a sheet of paper suddenly formed into clean strong patterns when the magnet was placed in the middle of the mess...?
Overall: I really enjoyed this book, the writing was beautiful. However I felt like the climax came a bit early and from there on out it was just a downwards spiral. Not to say this book wasn't enjoyable, it was. However I much preferred Chambers work in "This Is All: The Pillow Book Of Cordelia Kenn," which is truly one of the most beautiful pieces of writing I have ever had the fortune of reading.
What did you think of this book? What would you like us to review next?
What is this book about?
Karl, aged seventeen, is hopelessly in love. But the object of his affections, Fiorella, demands proof, and poses him a series of questions regarding his attitude to the many sides of love. But Karl is dyslexic, and convinced that if Fiorella finds out, she will think he is stupid, and unworthy of her, and leave him.
So Karl asks a local writer to help him construct his replies - and an unlikely, but extremely touching, friendship develops between the two men. They both come to learn a great deal about about life from a very different perspective, and when an act of violence shatters their calm, they find their respective appraisal of life shifting in profound ways (Goodreads)
Who should read this book?
I found it in the "Teen Fiction" section of the Waterstones I was in however I think adults could read this book as well.
How long is this book?
288 pages
Story Line: 7/10
Well written: 4/5
Enjoyablilty: 3/5
Overall: 14/20
Star Rating: 3 Stars
Question 1. What character would you most like to have tea with?
Karl. Mostly because he's such a sweetheart in the books and I just want to hug him whenever he says anything.
Question 2. What character would you most like to throw tea at?
Fiorella. My gosh this girl bugs me for the entirity of the novel. I think Chambers wants me to find her annoying but her character hit a really raw nerve with me, mostly becuse she reminded me of me at my most annoying and pretentious.
Question 3. What do you think of the cover?
I did not get it at first, but one your half way through the novel you realise why the cover s important and relevant. I like how simple it is, and it caught my eye among the jungle of books in the teen section.
Question 4. What do you think of the title do you think there is an alternative?
I may be wrong but I think this is a Fiorella quote (Dying to Know You) which puts me off it a bit. It makes sense, but I think something to do with art would have been more appropriate and different to other books.
Question 5. Favourite quote!
"You remember that experiment with iron filings and a magnet the science teacher did at school when you were of an age still easy to amaze? You remember the iron filings, which where scattered like a mess of dust on a sheet of paper suddenly formed into clean strong patterns when the magnet was placed in the middle of the mess...?
Overall: I really enjoyed this book, the writing was beautiful. However I felt like the climax came a bit early and from there on out it was just a downwards spiral. Not to say this book wasn't enjoyable, it was. However I much preferred Chambers work in "This Is All: The Pillow Book Of Cordelia Kenn," which is truly one of the most beautiful pieces of writing I have ever had the fortune of reading.
What did you think of this book? What would you like us to review next?
Friday, 7 June 2013
Cover VERSUS Cover #1
This is the first in a series called cover versus cover. For this first post, the covers are all from books we have reviewed so far...
Bronte: This Is What Happy Looks Like
Izzy: Wonder
Eleanor: Wonder
Bronte: Send Me a Sign
Izzy: Ketchup Clouds
Eleanor: Ketchup Clouds
Bronte: Clockwork Angel
Izzy: Clockwork Angel (darn we all went with the same!)
Eleanor: Clockwork Angel

Bronte: Die For Me
Izzy: Divergent
Eleanor: Divergent

Bronte: The Fault in our Stars
Izzy: Uglies is actually probably more eye catching for me, but I prefer The Fault in Our Stars so much more! Still, Uglies.
Eleanor: The Fault in our Stars
Thursday, 6 June 2013
Character VERSUS Character: Sarah Dessen Edition
In celebration of the almost release of The Moon and More we thought we would make this Character vs Character a complete Sarah Dessen edition! We hope you enjoy this. How excited are you for the new Sarah Dessen? We've got it PRE-ORDERED. PS Who are you prefering the sound of Luke or Theo? The three of us are trying to make predictions on who Emaline will end up with and we're still divided.
1. Eli (Along for the Ride) vs Dexter (This Lullaby)
Izzy: Eli
Eleanor: Eli
Bronte: Dexter
2. McLean (What Happened to Goodbye) vs Halley (Someone Like You)
Izzy: Halley
Eleanor: McLean
Bronte: Halley
3. Wes (The Truth About Forever) vs Nate (Lock and Key)
Izzy: Wes
Eleanor: Wes
4. Auden (Along for the Ride) vs Macy (The Truth About Forever)
Izzy: Macy
Eleanor: Auden
Bronte: Macy
5. Nate (Lock and Key) vs Owen (Just Listen)
Izzy: Nate
Eleanor: Owen
Bronte: Nate
6. Annabel (Just Listen) vs Auden (Along for the Ride)
Izzy: Auden
Eleanor: Annabel
Bronte: Annabel
7. Halley vs Scarlett (Someone Like You)
Izzy: Scarlett
Eleanor: Scarlett
Bronte: Halley
8. Remy (This Lullaby) vs Auden (Along for The Ride)
Izzy: Auden
Eleanor: Auden
Bronte: Remy
9. Ruby (Lock and Key) vs Macy (The Truth About Forever)
Izzy: Ruby
Eleanor: Macy
Bronte: Macy, just
and finally, drum roll please:
10. What is your favourite Sarah Dessen novel so far?
Izzy: Along For The Ride has the most interesting, and surprising plot so far.
Eleanor: Just Listen. It was the first Sarah Dessen I ever read and Dessen hasn't yet written a novel I prefer.
Bronte: :O Don't do this to me! I feel like I am betraying other characters and Sarah Dessen if I just pick one! Its between: This Lullaby, The Truth about Forever and Lock and Key! Going to go with Lock and Key, I'm sorry Wes! It just has such a good plot and characters and everything about it, apart from the ending, I wanted more! more for good luck '!'
1. Eli (Along for the Ride) vs Dexter (This Lullaby)
Izzy: Eli
Eleanor: Eli
Bronte: Dexter
2. McLean (What Happened to Goodbye) vs Halley (Someone Like You)
Izzy: Halley
Eleanor: McLean
Bronte: Halley
3. Wes (The Truth About Forever) vs Nate (Lock and Key)
Izzy: Wes
Eleanor: Wes
4. Auden (Along for the Ride) vs Macy (The Truth About Forever)
Izzy: Macy
Eleanor: Auden
Bronte: Macy
5. Nate (Lock and Key) vs Owen (Just Listen)
Izzy: Nate
Eleanor: Owen
Bronte: Nate
6. Annabel (Just Listen) vs Auden (Along for the Ride)
Izzy: Auden
Eleanor: Annabel
Bronte: Annabel
7. Halley vs Scarlett (Someone Like You)
Izzy: Scarlett
Eleanor: Scarlett
Bronte: Halley
8. Remy (This Lullaby) vs Auden (Along for The Ride)
Izzy: Auden
Eleanor: Auden
Bronte: Remy
9. Ruby (Lock and Key) vs Macy (The Truth About Forever)
Izzy: Ruby
Eleanor: Macy
Bronte: Macy, just
and finally, drum roll please:
10. What is your favourite Sarah Dessen novel so far?
Izzy: Along For The Ride has the most interesting, and surprising plot so far.
Eleanor: Just Listen. It was the first Sarah Dessen I ever read and Dessen hasn't yet written a novel I prefer.
Bronte: :O Don't do this to me! I feel like I am betraying other characters and Sarah Dessen if I just pick one! Its between: This Lullaby, The Truth about Forever and Lock and Key! Going to go with Lock and Key, I'm sorry Wes! It just has such a good plot and characters and everything about it, apart from the ending, I wanted more! more for good luck '!'
Tuesday, 4 June 2013
The Moon and More, Sarah Dessen
The Moon and More by Sarah Dessen reviewed by Izzy
What is this book about?
Luke is the perfect boyfriend: handsome, kind, fun. He and Emaline have been together all through high school in Colby, the beach town where they both grew up. But now, in the summer before college, Emaline wonders if perfect is good enough.
Enter Theo, a super-ambitious outsider, a New Yorker assisting on a documentary film about a reclusive local artist. Theo's sophisticated, exciting, and, best of all, he thinks Emaline is much too smart for Colby.
Emaline's mostly-absentee father, too, thinks Emaline should have a bigger life, and he's convinced that an Ivy League education is the only route to realizing her potential. Emaline is attracted to the bright future that Theo and her father promise. But she also clings to the deep roots of her loving mother, stepfather, and sisters. Can she ignore the pull of the happily familiar world of Colby?
Emaline wants the moon and more, but how can she balance where she comes from with where she's going? (Goodreads)
Who should read this book?
Obviously Sarah Dessen fans of which there are millions. Also people who enjoy Ann Brashares and Stephanie Perkins will love this light hearted summer read.
How long is this book?
435 pages
Story Line: 7/10
Well written: 4/5
Enjoyability: 4/5
Overall: 15/20
Star Rating: 4 stars
Question 1. What character would you most like to have tea with?
Emaline's kid brother Benji is adorable. I've never had any younger siblings, both my brothers are older than me, so I always find little kid characters in books...I want to say appealing but I'm worried I may get arrested. Not appealing, but they have a soft spot in my heart? Still not quite right, but you catch my drift. Also we probably wouldn't drink tea because no 10 year old wants to do that.
Question 2. What character would you most like to throw tea at?
Annoyingly I can't give my honest opinion here as it will ruin the story for anyone about to read it. However I will give some hints. This person was pretentious, annoying and seemed to have a lack of understanding on people in general. I would also throw tea at Emaline's father if I had any spare because when he was mean to Benji I was so angry.
Question 3. What do you think of the cover?
Meh. I got the one with the girl on the front because I pre-ordered. Anyway it's fine. What I find interesting is usually in the UK we get different sort of covers with cute drawings on the front which I love! Although I can't seem to find one right now, if I do come across a cover like that I will definitely notify you all!
Question 4. What do you think of the title do you think there is an alternative?
I think I probably the other two titles Sarah Dessen was planning which was The Best Ever After and Someone Else's Summer. Still, I really like "The Moon and More," and I always think Sarah Dessen picks great titles.
Question 5. Favourite quote!
“The truth was, there was no way everything could be the Best. Sometimes, when it came to events and people, it had to be okay to just be.”
Overall: Sarah Dessen is yet to disappoint me in any of her novels so far. Although it still doesn't beat Along For The Ride or Just Listen for me it is definitely competing with The Truth About Forever for third spot. I loved the Theo vs Luke aspect and I definitely know which boy I prefer. As always reappearances always make me happy especially when we get people from Along For The Ride in there. As much as I love Colby I'm desperate for another Jackson High or Perkins Day (I think those are the names) book next. Whatever Sarah Dessen does though I am safe in the assurance I will love it.
What did you think of this book? What would you like us to review next? Also if you write a book blog please leave your link in the desciption box below!
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