What is this book about?
They say that your school years are supposed to be the best years of your life, and that you should make the most of them because you’ll miss them when you’re all grown up. Up until Maisie Preston’s senior year, she would have totally agreed with that statement. Life was great, she had everything going for her, excellent grades, great parents, an annoying yet caring twin brother, and an impossibly sweet boyfriend. Everything was perfect - that is until the arrival of Zach Anderson. A misfit delinquent that seemed to bring with him a lot of bad karma. Is it just a coincidence that his arrival marks a significant change in Maisie’s life? Up until senior year, life was perfect, but things seem to be going downhill fast.
Who should read this book?
If you liked Always You, this is a spin off book, which still stands on its own. In other words you don't have to have read one to read the other, or vice versa. Its a young adult book, it says realistic fiction but personally some parts seem pretty un realistic in day to day life!
How long is this book?
281 pages, a short book.
Story Line: 7/10
Well written: 5/5
Enjoyabililty: 4/5
Overall: 16/20
Star Rating: 4 Stars
Question 1. What character would you most like to have tea with?
Zack, because Zack is pretty cool. He is really funny and can have a laugh with you and joke around a lot. He's also had a bit of a rough past, which makes you feel sad for him. Also I want to find out more about him because he is quite secretive.
There is an obvious choice, but telling you that would give away the book so I'm going to go with Maisie. She is very naïve and gets annoyed with her dad and twin brother for being overly protective over her, but of course they are going to be because she just seems to stroll into danger completely oblivious as to what she is doing. However she does know what she is doing which makes it worse because she knows the dangers is imminent.
Question 3. What do you think of the cover?
This cover doesn't blow me away. I mean it relates to the book, its simplistic(which I like) but there is just nothing that makes you look back at it, its just as it is.
Question 4. What do you think of the title do you think there is an alternative?
The title is okay, it does come up in the book and has a literal and mental meaning.
Question 5. Favourite quote!
There weren't very many quotes from this book, but I quite like this one-
“Some girls, deserves to have you treat her like a princess everyday, just like you always do to me."
Overall: This book actually has quite a lot of twists and almost turns in to a detective novel, which gave the book a lot of levels making it a very enjoyable but a quick read. I thought that there were surprises in this book, just like other Kirsty Moseley novels, that made me smile and laugh but also sometimes a sadness to the book. A good holiday read.
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