A Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by BrokeandBookish. This week we choose the characters that would stole our heart - this one will be hard because there are just so many to choose from! Ageees ago we made a Book Boyfriends post - Click here to find it Eleanor: 1. Jace Wayland from The Mortal Instruments Series by Cassandra Clare 2. Rafa from The Rephaim Series by Paula Weston 3. Four from Divergent, Insurgent, Allegiant by Veronica Roth (I recently saw Divergent at the cinema and it was INCREDIBLE and has therefore reignited my huge obsession with the whole series!)
Bronte: 4. William Herondale - The Clockwork Series by Cassandra Clare 5. Augustus Waters - The Fault in Our Stars by John Green 6. Oliver - The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E Smith
Izzy: 7. Etienne St Clair- Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins 8. Quentin Jacobsen- Paper Towns by John Green 9. Levi Stewart- Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
A Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by BrokeandBookish. This week is the bookish related thinks that we would love to have! Eleanor: 1. Some wonderful amazon publish-y people to notice how amazing our book blog is, resulting in us receiving many many advanced copies of all kinds of books (*hint hint*) 2. A never ending supply of hot chocolate to drink when I'm reading because I'm not a great supporter of tea. Sorry. 3. Time. And lots of it. Because I never have time to read and it SUCKS. Bronte: 4. A book chair. My Nanna has one of these and I think that they are preetyyy awesome.
5. A cute green kindle case 6. I'm not sure if I can do this but...I'm going to anyway. Will from the Clockwork Angel. And I wouldn't want to own him, just see him...all the time, preferably.
Izzy: 7. A library- seriously, I need one. My room is overfilling with books. It drives my Mum insane. 8. Some Rainbow Rowell fan art. I have some on the back copy of my edition of Fangirl and I am so tempted to rip it off and put it on my wall but I can't because that would be destruction of a book. Which is illegal in the book community I know. 9. The complete collection of Winnie the Pooh books. They're hilarious and I want to have it around to pass onto the next generation. All agreed on: 10. An endless supply of books, all the time, whenever we want.
A Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by BrokeandBookish. This week, the most unique books we've read. Bronte: 1.Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell, definitely. Its just so different to any other love story that I have ever read, but its so unique in the best way possible! Loved it.
2. Wonder by R.J. Palacio. This is because I think that it is based on something real that is not often written about. I mean, most people don't have an odd face but many have something else that makes them different or 'not perfect' which is really relatable, but not often available to read about - therefore I loved its unique and utterly brilliant story line.
3. Matched by Ally Condie. Its a very different dystopian style book that makes it stand out from others of its kind.
4. The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. I love this book, and the film for that matter just because it is so unusual. Charlie is such a wonderful character that I loved reading about.
5. Before I Die by Jenny Downham. I think it was such a unique way or portraying what a girl would be feeling if she was dying from cancer and only had a few months to live. Perhaps a little more realistic than others.
6. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. I have never read anything like it since really. Its just so perfect.
7. Angel by L.A.Weatherly. It is different to most paranormal books i.e. its not all about vampires and werewolves.
8. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Such a wonderful story that has the 'you will never forget it' aspect.
9. The White Giraffe by Lauren Oliver. This was a childhood favourite of mine and I just loved it - it was actually the book where I discovered my love for reading.
10. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. I loved this story and thought that it was so fascinating that it was actually based on a true story, and that it actually happened. Its interesting to see that period through the eyes of a child.
What is this book about? Renee Winters has changed. When she looks in the mirror, a beautiful girl with an older, sadder face stares back. Her condition has doctors mystified, but Ren e can never reveal the truth: she died last May, and was brought back to life by the kiss of her Undead soul mate, Dante Berlin. (Goodreads) Who should read this book? People who enjoy paranormal romances, but equally I think people who like mysteries/thriller books would also thoroughly enjoy reading this novel. How long is this book? 464 pages Marks: Story Line: 9/10 Well written: 4/5 Enjoyablilty: 5/5 Overall: 18/20 Star Rating: 5 Stars Question 1. What character has remained the same pot of tea? I think I would have to say Renee's Grandfather. I feel that he is still quite secretive and doesn't tell Renee anything that is going on. He is also still relatively unsympathetic to Renee's situation - i.e. Parents died, moved across the country, started a new school, discovered the Undead, discovered monitoring, realised her parents were murdered etc. he just doesn't seem to understand her, as a Grandchild, as much as he should. Question 2. Which character has a whole new flavour? Dante! He is also being very secretive which is something that we have yet to discover why, really. I feel as he is not such a physically prominent character in Life Eternal and we, like Renee, discover perhaps a more frustrating side to his character. Question 3. Which characters would have the most awkward conversation whilst drinking tea? Dante and Noah I would say. Although I feel it would be more awkward from the angle that I don't think either would speak - so I guess it's not really a conversation. Dante would just want to avoid the topic, because he is like that and Noah would be shy as Dante is not only Undead but also has - what he must consider to be an odd relationship with the girl he likes. Question 4. What book would you prefer to read while drinking tea? Probably Dead Beautiful as I feel it has more of an element of surprise and suspense as you really do not know what is going to happen and the story takes turns which leaves you second guessing most of the time so you really have to keep reading! Also I found this book had a rather creepy element to it...I am scared relatively easily... Question 5. Favourite quote! 'How do you measure someone’s life? By the scope of their accomplishments, or the number of people they’ve touched, or by the width of a hand? None of it seemed fair. None of it seemed like enough.' Overall: This book (and series) is fantastic and one of the best I have ever read from this genre and Yvonne Woon is a masterful creator of amazing story lines! I would love to know how she came up with them!! I cannot wait to read the conclusion. What did you think of this book? What would you like us to review next?